Remember the fun you had as a child playing with Play Doh? Or maybe it was mud pies. You can have a similar experience at a workshop at the Washington County Ag Center on November 7 and take home a useful object for your morning efforts. It’s the Faux Stone Workshop developed by the Washington County Master Gardeners to lead you through the steps in making your own stone-looking plant container. All supplies will be furnished at a minimal cost to you, and a master gardener will assist you at each step of the process (also called hypertufu). Call us at the Ag Center, 638-6180, or email to reserve your spot for Saturday Morning, November 7.
Essential Details
Saturday, November 7, 2015 9:00—2:00 a.m.
UF IFAS Extension Washington County at the Washington County Ag Center Auditorium
1424 Jackson Ave. Chipley, Fl. 32428
Learn how to make “faux stone” pots or how to propagate roses. Both classes ongoing simultaneously.
Session 1: 9am-11am Session 2: 12pm-2pm
Cost: $20.00 for both or $15.00 for one
Light lunch & refreshments served at 11am
Preregistration Deadline Friday November 6.